Vomiting after bariatric surgery can occur for various reasons. The cause of frequent vomiting should be carefully examined because it may affect the patient's psychology. The reason for vomiting mostly varies from person to person, but it sometimes occurs for surgical and other causes. Frequent vomiting can lead to malnutrition, stomach enlargement, reflux, tonsillitis, and other health problems.


Causes of frequent vomiting:

  • Eating more than stomach capacity (overeating)
  • Eating too fast
  • Chewing too little
  • Eating frequently
  • Drinking fluids and eating solid foods at the same time
  • Skipping meal
  • Not eating anything for a long time
  • Smoking
  • Eating foods that the stomach is not ready for
  • Eating foods that you have a sensitivity for them

As we always say that bariatric surgeries are no miracle. These operations allow or force you to change your eating habits. The reasons for vomiting that we have listed above are also the main behaviors that we do not want in your eating habits.

If your infrequent vomiting continues throughout the day, drink clear liquids instead of eating solid foods during the day. This helps to settle your stomach for a while. If you vomit frequently for more than 2 days, physicians may need to intervene to stop vomiting.

To solve the problem of vomiting, see Feeling of something stuck in the throat

There are so many scientific publications on the problem of vomiting after bariatric surgery. Please contact us for more information.