First 14 days (Liquid Phase)
- First Phase – Liquid Phase (Between 1st and 14th days)
- Drink 2 or 3 liters of liquid in this phase. At least half this liquid should be rich in nutrients.
- The liquids to be drunk should be easy to drink with a drinking straw or they should be passed through a sieve beforehand.
- Your stomach volume is 60 ml (1/3 glass of water) in this phase.
- Wait one or two minutes between each sip. (Don't take a big sip)
- You can increase the sips, if you don’t experience any problem.
- Do not drink any fizzy drinks.
- Do not drink very cold and very warm drinks.
- You can add some cinnamon, a few drops of lemon, and ginger in your water.
- Liquids you drink should be sugar-free, carbonated-free and as rich in protein as possible.
- Problems that may arise with the first phase, and their solutions
- Stop drinking if you have pain or vomit, take a 10 to 15 minute break. Reduce the amount of sips.
- Don't forget that sugary foods are not healthy. Eat mainly high protein foods.
- If you are bored with daily fluid intake or you find it difficult over time, you can drink smoothie drinks. Make sure that there are no food pieces in your drink. Please motivate yourself when losing weight in order to be able to lose weight in a healthy way.