This condition usually arises because of taking large bites or not chewing well. Some patients describe this as “I feel of something stuck in my throat.” There are some false facts about this that people do as below.

  • Drinking water or any liquids
  • Forcing yourself to vomit
  • Trying to eat something

All of these may lead to vomiting. You should avoid these behaviors, especially in the first phases after the surgery.

What to do when you feel of something stuck in your throat

  • Keep calm, and be sure that your condition will improve
  • Be patient, you can overcome this by walking
  • Avoid getting water and other liquids, and eating foods
  • After this feeling disappears, stop eating and drinking for a time


If you don’t want to experience this feeling, please follow these steps:

  • Chew small bites well, and between bites wait a while
  • Stop eating when you feel full
  • Do not get liquids and foods at the same time
  • Do not get foods you are not ready to eat for (for example, in the liquid phase, don’t eat pureed foods or in the purée phase, don’t eat solid foods.)
  • Wait two minutes after taking a bite, especially for foods that you are about to eat for the first time after the surgery